Top 10 Proven Ecommerce Marketing Strategies To Try

Follow these ten tactics to understand how to expand your online ecommerce business. Starting an e-commerce firm is easy, but growing it can be tricky. Statistics show that 95% of online businesses fail within the first three months. This is because people know how to start but not how to grow.

In this article, I will provide 10 techniques to help you build your e-commerce business quickly, whether you are selling products, services, or digital items. But first, let me introduce myself. Hello friends, I am Prince Likhon, founder of Startup Balance. I have been teaching people about online, startup businesses and e-commerce firms for the past 5 years.

I often see people start an e-commerce firm but struggle to build it. I will not only offer tactics but also tools you can utilize in your article to assist in developing your business in a short amount of time with the help of AI.

Tips 01. Effective Reels Marketing Strategies For Ecommerce

Reels Marketing Strategies

The ideal strategy for every firm is Reels Marketing. Many people invest in it, but not everyone makes suitable reels for their business. Often, people build unfinished reels with only a video and a track, themed, and expect buyers to order from them.

When constructing a reel, it’s crucial to have a hook in the first 3 seconds to attract people’s attention. A decent thumbnail is also vital. Make sure your reel includes trendy background music and a clear call-to-action so people know what to do.

To become famous in reels, monitor the latest trends and make videos accordingly. For example, there was a craze for building e-commerce websites and marketing them. Many businesses made reels on this trend and earned thousands of views and purchases.

Now, I will tell you about two tools that can help you with Reels Marketing. The first tool is InVideo. It’s a website where you can easily generate reels videos and export them. Just submit your content, add music, and edit as needed.

The second tool is Dubverse for people who don’t want to display their face or utilize their own voice. It provides people-sounding voices that you may use in your reels. By employing these tools, you may improve your Reels Marketing and increase your business.

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Tips 02. Good Branding And Packaging

Good Branding And Packaging

The third crucial approach to expanding your e-commerce business is to have outstanding branding and packaging. Many businesses don’t grow because clients don’t come back after their first transaction. This is because their branding isn’t done correctly. When you sell something, your packaging should convey that your brand is of excellent quality. If your packaging is good, people will think your brand is equally good.

Tips 03. Branding And Retargeting

Branding And Retargeting

The next method to build your e-commerce firm is to increase repeat purchases. The more repeat sales you have, the lower your cost to obtain new clients will be. Repeat purchases occur through retargeting, which is done for two kinds of people: those who have already bought from you, and those who are interested but haven’t bought yet.

To do this, you need to routinely send messages using WhatsApp, SMS, email, and app notifications to remind customers of your products. Our mobile app enables you to click once to reach all your consumers with offers. This creates a sense of urgency (FOMO) for customers to buy before the product goes out of stock, which helps encourage repeat sales.

Tips 04. WhatsApp Marketing

Now, let’s talk about our fourth strategy, which is WhatsApp Marketing. WhatsApp Marketing can transform the e-commerce business today. It delivers everything that can be on Shopify to WhatsApp. In the future, people won’t need apps like Shopify since they can sell items via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp now has WhatsApp Pay and WhatsApp Flows. Businesses have so many alternatives for retargeting and remarketing. The most significant feature for you is the WhatsApp channel and community. The channel allows you to update your material, like product videos, brand films, and customer videos. People can then go from the channel to the community and directly sell things.

If you want to automate your WhatsApp or have many individuals coming in, you can use the WhatsApp API. But only companies get this like our company has a WhatsApp API. With it, we can send messages to 10,000 people at once. This helps a lot in remarketing and retargeting.

We have built up full automation. When a consumer comes in, they get an automatic message. They choose an option and get another automatic message. We don’t have to talk manually with our customers; everything runs on automatic.

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Tips 05. E-commerce Checkout Simplification

E-commerce Checkout Simplification

Buying stuff and the checkout process on a website might be so cumbersome that people don’t buy things. They depart halfway through. That’s why it’s crucial to make the checkout process straightforward. If you’re offering subscriptions or recurring payments from your consumers, there’s a business called Rekarpay that has a very easy service available. You can integrate their system with your website.

Tips 06. E-commerce Business Model Overview

E-commerce is incredibly vital for growing a business. There are 3 basic business models to examine. Some people just sell on Instagram or WhatsApp, while others sell on marketplaces like Amazon or Flipkart. It’s best to use all three types if you want your firm to develop.

E-commerce Business Model Overview

The first type is termed D2C, which means selling directly to customers. The second is B2B when you sell large volumes directly to enterprises. The third significant model is B2R or Business to Resellers. In this strategy, you sell using a smartphone app to resellers who subsequently offer your products on Instagram or WhatsApp and send you orders.

If you have a product and have invested in it, why not employ all 3 business models? You may work with all of them using just one mobile app or website. If you’re interested in establishing an app or website for your business, email us for a demo. We can show you how these three models can help develop your business.

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Tips 07. Celebrity Influencer Marketing Strategy

The sixth growth strategy is about Celebrity Influencer Marketing. Many people employ influencer marketing today. They work with bloggers, make videos, and post online. Some people get a response, while others don’t.

Celebrity Influencer Marketing Strategy

The primary notion of influencer marketing is not just getting the audience’s attention. The most crucial thing is that when you collaborate with an influencer, their reputation ties to your business. This helps boost the trust in your brand.

For example, if Amitabh Bachchan talks about my firm, my brand’s trust will go up. I may use a video of him talking about my business and advertise it online to attract additional customers.

It’s vital to pick a face for your brand that everyone knows. Their social media following doesn’t matter as much as their integrity. If they trust your brand, you can advertise it to the correct audience and earn more orders.

Don’t focus on an influencer’s following; focus on their reputation and trust worth instead. A nice app to connect with influencers is the Tring App. There are many various types of influencers, from little ones to celebrities in TV serials, OTT platforms, and movies. In summary, employ Celebrity Influencer Marketing as a growth strategy for your brand.

Tips 08. Local Marketing Strategy

Today, there is a plan that many people don’t follow, and it’s vital for success in e-commerce. This method is local business marketing. People with e-commerce enterprises typically think their marketing should be fully online, but they shouldn’t disregard traditional marketing mediums like newspapers.

Local Marketing Strategy

Newspapers have a wide distribution and can bring thousands of customers to your website. You can utilize a QR code in your newspaper ad. Many individuals are doing this now. When someone scans the QR code, they either go to your website or a messaging app.

To produce a QR code, you can utilize a website called QR Code Generator. You can use this for your business and put it in newspapers, banners, posters, and other places. It’s possible to reach numerous individuals with just a short ad.

In one example, a person had a tiny ad in a diary that was given out for free. The ad contained their QR code, and when people scanned it, they went straight to the website to buy stationery. So attempt this new strategy for your e-commerce firm because it’s vital for growth.

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Tips 09. Facebook Pixel Tracking

Facebook Pixel Tracking

A significant strategy is Facebook Pixel Tracking. Do you know what Facebook Pixel is? It helps show adverts from a website you visit everywhere you go online. For example, if you look at a course on a website, you will see adverts for that course all over social media. This happens because of Facebook Pixel Tracking.

Facebook offers you a code for the Pixel. You need to insert this code on your website or mobile app. When someone visits your site or app, they will see your ad everywhere they go online-onlineonline. This helps businesses acquire more customers.

Big e-commerce corporations employ this technology to increase sales. When consumers see the product numerous times, they might buy it after a while. This is the last growth strategy, amigos.

Tips 10. Google Search Ads Marketing

Good and ultimate growth strategies, buddies. Google has greater power than any other marketing instrument. This is because people come to Google to search for goods. They have a purpose when they seek, like wanting to buy something. 

Google Search Ads Marketing

If your website ranks on Google, you will get hundreds of organic orders per day. It takes time to rank on Google, and it’s difficulties these days. But you can pay Google to show your ad at the top of the search results. This is called Google Search Ads.

If you pay Google, they can rank your website higher. I hope this post was informative and easy to grasp. If you liked it, please share it with others.

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Written by Jerry Pitcher

Jerry Pitcher is the founder of, a resource for aspiring bloggers and entrepreneurs. Jerry is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and build successful online ventures. With years of experience in the blogging industry, Jerry has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with others.

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