5 Easy Marketing Strategies To Sell Your Product On Website

There are different marketing ways to sell products on a website and make money. You can use different strategies to bring customers to your site. Today, we will learn step by step about these strategies that will help you sell your products on a website and make money from it. 

Hello friends, I am Prince Likhon, and you are reading Startup Balance. Many people ask me how to do this, so it’s important to understand that when you’re taking your business online, follow these techniques.  There are five main things that happen when you sell on a website.

5 Easy Marketing Strategies

  1. Direct Traffic
  2. Organic Traffic
  3. Referral Marketing
  4. Social Media Marketing
  5. Paid Ads Marketing

Strategies 01. Direct Traffic

5 Easy Marketing Strategies To Sell Your Product On Website

Direct Traffic is when people visit your website without searching on Google. For example, if your website is www.startupbalance.com, they click on your domain name and go to your website. One of the best ways to generate direct traffic is by using QR codes.

QR codes are popular because many people use them in offline mediums including newspapers, billboards, and Tamphlets. When someone scans the QR code, they go immediately to the website. Some people even utilize QR codes in movies for promotion.

To get more direct traffic, you need a source that attracts users to your site. This can be through exchanging links on WhatsApp or Telegram, or by utilizing QR codes. You should also make your website’s domain name prominent so that people look for it immediately. An example is bewakoof.com – it is popular due of its name, and gets a lot of direct traffic from people putting it in their browser.

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Strategies 02. Organic Traffic

5 Easy Marketing Strategies To Sell Your Product On Website

Organic traffic implies people reach your website without paying for adverts. They search on Google and see your stuff. To attract more organic traffic, you need to have strong content on your website. The better your articles are, the higher Google will rank your website.

For example, if you write about the best shoe shops in Delhi, and your content is exceptionally fantastic, your article will be at the top of the search results. Many significant organizations have a blog area on their website to provide content related to their products or services. This helps them rank higher on Google.

When consumers search for something connected to these posts, they locate the blog and visit the company’s website. For example, if you search “how to sell online,” you’ll see an article from Shopify. Shopify is a firm that helps you create your own website. They publish posts so people will visit their site, learn from their information, and maybe even use their service.

Writing articles, generating videos, and writing blogs are vital so your website ranks higher on Google. When customers search for something connected to your business, they’ll find your website and become clients.

Strategies 03. Referral Marketing

Referral Marketing

Some clients come via recommendation marketing. This means that if someone visits your website and shares it on social media like WhatsApp or Instagram, and another person hits your website because of that share, it’s called referral traffic. 

Many websites include a function where you may suggest people, and if someone joins through your referral, you get a bonus or money. Lots of organizations invest in referral marketing to attract new customers. It’s a terrific approach to bring more people to your website.

If you want more customers on your website, consider a referral program. Offer commissions, money, or incentives for people who bring in new customers through recommendations. This will encourage users to share your website with others.

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Strategies 04. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

The fourth strategy is leveraging social media marketing to get customers to your website. I have wrote numerous post on how to use different strategies of marketing on social media to obtain more traffic. There are several methods including Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and WhatsApp marketing. To understand social media marketing in-depth, you can visit www.startupbalance.com where you can see all our article.

There are two sorts of social media marketing. One is free, where you generate content and videos like me, and people click on links that direct them to your website. The second option is running paid ads on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Google. You can run adverts on popular social media platforms to obtain more visitors to your website.

Strategies 05. Paid Ads Marketing

Paid Ads Marketing

Nowadays, huge firms employ paid adverts to get more customers to their websites. This is called running paid ads or getting bought traffic. You pay firms like Google or Facebook, and they send customers to your site. The more money you give, the more customers you receive.

You could see these advertising in various places, such banner ads on YouTube or other websites. Sometimes you don’t even know it’s an ad! You should use sponsored ads when your firm is growing, you have a significant budget, and you’re already attracting clients organically.

First, bring visitors to your business through organic techniques like referrals and social media marketing. Then, if you want more traffic, employ paid ads to obtain more customers. Follow these procedures, and you can have lots of customers on your website and sell more things. Thank you for read full article.


These five straightforward marketing methods will help you sell your products efficiently on your website. Remember that successful online marketing needs continual work and change. By following these tactics and regularly monitoring and refining your strategy, you can maximize your website’s ability to create sales and develop your business in the digital marketplace.

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Written by Jerry Pitcher

Jerry Pitcher is the founder of Prefer.blog, a resource for aspiring bloggers and entrepreneurs. Jerry is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and build successful online ventures. With years of experience in the blogging industry, Jerry has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with others.

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