Case Study 2024: Top Secrets Business Model

Today, I want to tell you about a reselling business that started with just 30,000 rupees and is now producing over 2000 crore in income. This company is one of the fastest-growing companies in India. Hello friends i am Prince Likhon, and you’re reading Startup Balance business tips and Case Study.

In this essay, we’ll examine a thorough case study of We’ll examine their marketing methods and product strategies so you may establish your own similar startup and follow their footsteps to start a business. I feel it’s crucial not just to learn from case studies but also to utilize such strategies in your own business. Case Study 2024: Top Secrets Business Model

First, let’s speak about the format of this video. I’ll introduce the company, describe their business model, examine their growth approach, offer their future objectives, and explore how we can leverage their learnings and methods in our own enterprises.

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First, let me tell you about the company. It is called and was registered in 2012. So, it has been around for roughly 11 years. The company has two founders: Prabhakaran Singh and Siddharth Munot. They both attended to IIT and were interested in entrepreneurship from their college days.

At that time, they used to sell domain names. They would buy several domain names for cheap, say 200 or 300, then sell them at a high price when there was demand. Between 2010 and 2012, not many people were selling names, therefore they made good money. They had obtained the domain back then. Case Study 2024: Top Secrets Business Model

During college, they tried several companies like event management and t-shirt printing. They had a terrific reaction in the t-shirt printing sector. After college, they decided to build a brand using this notion. Their goal was to print trendy dialogs on t-shirts and market them as fashion products.

Their straightforward business idea garnered a terrific reaction. So far, they have raised more than 160 crores in fundraising. has become a huge startup, even profitable when many others like Amazon and Flipkart are suffering.

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So, let’s understand their business model. From day one, they sought to bring popular items and quotations into lifestyle and fashion. Trends change frequently, therefore they would modify things themselves and manufacture them, which didn’t cost much. They realized how little it cost to produce their own t-shirts.

Before they started selling, they created a social media network by building a memes page where they posted memes continually. As the website flourished, they moved into personalization and product sale. Then they established their e-commerce business.

When their content started showing up on Facebook, many people enjoyed it. In around three months, they had more than 75,000 likes and followers on Facebook. Their social media following never ceased increasing, and their success is because organic traffic comes directly from social media to their website.

Now, more than 2.9M individuals visit their website per month. They ship products to over 90 countries and have an overall fan following of more than 10.7 million people. They have over 1.7 million followers on Instagram and provide more than 3,000 t-shirt styles to clients.

Their startup is special since it is tied to Bollywood. They become the official merchandising partner for new movies and trending lines. They are partners with prominent production houses including T-series, Biocom, and Excel Entertainments.

Company Growth Factors Case Study 2024: Top Secrets Business Model

So, let’s speak about the things that helped a company expand swiftly. They did something remarkable in their start-up that made them develop swiftly and become a major firm. There were various things that helped their company grow swiftly. You may also employ these characteristics in your business and grow like them, 15-20% per month.

01. Business Name

The first aspect is their catchy and beautiful business name. When someone sees their name, they remember it for a long time. In India, there are thousands of people that sell printed t-shirts, yet customers don’t recall their names.

But this company has a name that most people in India, especially college students, would remember for life. This was a significant reason why visitors kept going back to their website. Anyone who saw their name once would remember it for life. This made them renowned.

02. Social Media Campaign

The second major thing is viral social media marketing initiatives. They played this game pretty smartly. Social media marketing is incredibly strong. If you go to their Instagram feed today, you won’t see any product content. Case Study 2024: Top Secrets Business Model

Instead, they post humorous memes and relatable information that people adore. This has been their strategy since day one, and it has helped them create a strong presence on social media. A memorable name and efficient social media marketing were two significant reasons that contributed to the rapid growth of this organization.

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03. High Product Margin

The third important factor is that their profit margin on products is fairly substantial. For example, a t-shirt costs roughly 300 rupees. Their profit margin for each t-shirt is from 50% to 100%. It costs roughly 110-120 rupees to create a t-shirt, and they sell it for 300 rupees, generating a profit of 220-240 rupees. 

When they launched, there was no significant t-shirt printing startup in India. People needed custom printed t-shirts, but there were just traditional e-commerce channels like Flipkart and Amazon. There was no platform that enabled customisation and updated trends fast.

04. Social Commerce

Their fourth growth element is because they started with social commerce. They are still steady in the market and continuously increasing because they always change according to trends. Other websites can’t alter their products as rapidly as they can. They create according to demand and give their clients what they want, so they don’t have surplus stock.

Start Your Own T-Shirt Printing Business

Let’s discover how to establish your own t-shirt printing or product customizing business. First, select a catchy and trendy name for your firm. It doesn’t have to be related to t-shirts. Today, Instagram is incredibly popular. If you perform content marketing there, you will succeed immediately. Focus on building your Instagram followers to 30,000 before promoting your stuff. Make people laugh and like your posts so more people join. Case Study 2024: Top Secrets Business Model

Once you have 30,000 followers, you can immediately sell your merchandise. If you have many orders, it’s easy to make and sell t-shirts these days. You can set up your printing machine within 30,000-40,000. Making a t-shirt will cost roughly 110-120. You can sell the t-shirt at a higher price, like 200-230. Your profit will rise with mass orders. This manner, your business will flourish swiftly.

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Written by Jerry Pitcher

Jerry Pitcher is the founder of, a resource for aspiring bloggers and entrepreneurs. Jerry is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and build successful online ventures. With years of experience in the blogging industry, Jerry has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with others.

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