Top 6 Easy And Advance Business Idea For Next 6 Years

Friends, today I will share advanced business ideas with you all. These ideas can make you a good profit every month for the next five years. There is very little competition in these businesses. You can start them online from home with zero investment.  I will not only tell you about the business ideas but also explain how to execute them. To start these businesses, you will get full support from the Startup Balance Community, which I will talk about at the end of the article.

First, let me introduce myself. Hello friends, I am Prince Likhon, and you are reading the Startup Balance Business advice article. For the past 2 years, we have been teaching people how to do online business on this blog website. We are a government incubated startup bank in New York. Our small startup, which I started alone, now has a team of 40 people and is one of India biggest online business communities.

Top 6 Easy And Advance Business Idea For Next 6 Years

Today, I will tell you about some advanced business ideas that will not become outdated for 5-10 years and will give you good profits. If you read this article and understand and implement these ideas well, I can guarantee that within two months, your monthly earnings can reach 20k dollars.

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Idea 01. AI Commerce Business

Our first business idea is about AI Commerce, which is growing in the world but not many people in the India know about it. There are many AI tools like ChatGPT, MidJourney, and Google Bard. These tools bring new opportunities called AI Commerce.

Some people are scared of AI because they think it might take their jobs. But what about the new opportunities it brings? Today, I will tell you about two ways you can make money with AI Commerce.

AI Commerce Business

The first way is to become an AI expert and sell your services as a freelancer. Many businesses are hiring AI experts now. If you have the talent to work with AI tools and can help businesses with their needs, you can easily sell your services on freelance websites or even create your own platform.

The second business idea is to use Generative AI to create digital products and sell them online. Many AI tools can turn text into images, like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Firefly. You can sell these products on your own website or other online marketplaces.

Idea 02. WhatsApp Product  Selling Business

What is WhatsApp selling? You might be wondering who sells products on WhatsApp. Nowadays, many big companies have moved from their e-commerce websites or mobile apps to WhatsApp selling. You can become a WhatsApp seller and sell thousands of products every day. This is a new way of e-commerce that can make you millions in the next five years.

Today, there are more than 50,000 sellers in India who only sell products on WhatsApp. They don’t have a website or separate platform and don’t sell on Amazon or Flipkart. They only sell on WhatsApp and earn good money.

WhatsApp Product  Selling Business

WhatsApp has launched a new thing called WhatsApp Business API. With the API, you can send messages to thousands of people in one second. You can automate your entire conversation with customers. Big companies use the WhatsApp API and verify their accounts to share data.

To start a successful WhatsApp selling online business, you need to choose a high-selling product and create videos or photos for it. Then, you need to run ads on Facebook where people will see your product. Add a WhatsApp call-to-action button on your ads that directs people to your WhatsApp number.

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People will directly communicate with you on WhatsApp, and you can have a sales team of many members who will work on this platform with customers. You will know exactly how much it costs to bring a customer to WhatsApp, the cost of converting them, and eventually grow your business.

Idea 03. International E-Commerce Business

Now, let’s talk about our third business idea that will not only make you rich but also the whole of India. It is an international e-commerce company. Earlier, e-commerce was within India, and people exported goods on a large scale. They had to send items in containers, but sending single products through e-commerce was tough.

International E-Commerce Business

Now, international e-commerce is possible, and you won’t believe it, but 40% of big Indian direct-to-consumer brands are shipping products outside India. It has become so easy that you can start an international e-commerce business from home. To do this, you can use tools like ChatGPT, and to write content easily.

However, there are some things to watch out for, like compliance. It will guide you on how to make your product. Also, there are financial complications to follow. The first thing needed if you are selling any product internationally is the Import Export Code (IECode). You also need an Authorized Dealer Code from your regional bank.

Furthermore, when selling online abroad, you need an FIRC Certificate. So you can create a virtual account in that country using websites like Payoneer or PingPong and connect your payment gateway for payouts. So that was international e-commerce with lots of money-making potential in the next business idea.

Idea 04. Profitable Drop Servicing Business

Drop Servicing Business is a way to make money by offering services to foreign clients from India. In this business, you can provide services at a lower cost than in other countries. For example, a service that costs 400 or 500 rupees in India might cost 2000 or 2500 rupees in foreign countries.

Profitable Drop Servicing Business

Some services you can offer through your website and digital marketing are designing and editing, account registration, digital marketing, and content creation. You can find many designers and editors in India to work with. You can get projects through your website and have your editors complete them.

Account registration is another service you can offer. Many people outside India do not know how to register accounts on websites like You can help them with this task. Digital marketing is in high demand as more platforms become popular. Content creation is also important for people who need videos, articles, or editing done for their work.

To start, you can create an account on a website like Fiverr. But the best way is to make a good YouTube video and do email marketing. Find top-end clients who need these services and send them a well-written email with your YouTube video attached. This will show them that you put effort into your work and they will be more likely to respond with interest.

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Idea 05. Software Selling Business

Software Selling Business

Friends, if you are very good at speaking in Hindi or English, then a great business idea for you is selling software. Today, software is where most money is made. This is because software not only gives you money once but also recurring income every month when customers use your product.

Selling software can never be fully automatic because people always need someone to teach them and explain the software. There is some learning involved for your clients and customers. So, there is also some consultation involved in this business.

You can easily start a software selling business. There are four types of popular software: the first one being management software like ERP systems.

Idea 06. Dropshipping Supplier Business

I’m going to tell you about my favorite business idea that will be great for the next ten years. The business is a Dropshipping Supplier Business. There is a huge demand for it, and many people will quickly join you. You’ll need to keep some basic inventory, but once you have a small stock, you can easily grow your e-commerce business by connecting with resellers.

Dropshipping Supplier Business

Think about it: if you have 100 resellers, and each one has 100 customers, that’s 10,000 people who can see your products. So, all you have to do is find 100 resellers from all over India who want new products and want to sell through social media. They want to grow their own business and yours too.

First, search for trending products that are unique and selling well on social media. You can use a website like Minia to find these products. Then, keep a good level of inventory (about 10-15 items) at a low cost. If you don’t have money, team up with a wholesaler or manufacturer so their products are always available to you.

Next, take photos of your products and create your own reselling app where you can easily sell them. If you don’t have an app, you can use WhatsApp, but it might be slower. Having an app is better because it looks professional and automates your sales.

To market your products, use Instagram influencers and YouTube marketing. If you want help becoming a dropshipping supplier, contact us. Our team will support you in implementing your business.

I hope you like this business idea. We have many more articles to help you efficiently and effectively grow your business with the Startup Balance Community. Thank You everyone. Love you all.

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Written by Jerry Pitcher

Jerry Pitcher is the founder of, a resource for aspiring bloggers and entrepreneurs. Jerry is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and build successful online ventures. With years of experience in the blogging industry, Jerry has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with others.

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