Top 6 Best Secret Small Business Ideas To Try In 2024

I am going to tell you about six businesses. If you start them, your income will begin by 2023. By 2024, you can make your business a big brand. When your business becomes a brand, you get more profit. Many things come to you without trying, like promotions.

I will also create other income sources for you. Today, I have six simple businesses for you. Many people are already doing these businesses, and many others don’t know about them. You can do these businesses both offline and online.

Idea 01. Fitness Training: A Growing Business

Fitness Training: A Growing Business

One popular business today is fitness training. We all know that life has been tough because of the coronavirus. Since then, people have become more focused on staying healthy. They are doing yoga, meditation, workouts, morning walks, and paying more attention to their diet. This was not the case before the virus. Now people understand that to keep our bodies healthy, we must stay fit.

So, how can we make money from fitness training? First, you need to learn special skills. These skills are important for everyone’s life. You can do this offline or online. If you start with about ten clients, you will start earning money. But you can also do this online through Instagram, Facebook, and other ways like YouTube channels or even webinars.

You can teach many people at once. This is not limited to India; it has spread worldwide. Many people want to learn from us. The revenue in India from fitness clinics is 7 billion dollars and is expected to reach 11 billion dollars by 2024. So think about it: you just need to improve your skills and start teaching others what you know.

Idea 02. Online Teaching

Online Teaching

Start making money online by teaching things you know to other people. We will talk about a business that is just like this, where you learn how to make tutorials.  If you have a child coming to learn, you can charge them for it. For each student, you might charge one thousand rupees.

If you have ten students, your income will be around ten thousand rupees. You can teach these things to your team and grow your income. When your income starts to grow, you can sit at home and teach ten kids in just one hour, earning ten thousand rupees.

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Idea 03. Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing

Now let’s talk about the third business, which is Freelance Writing. People hire you to write for their projects. This could be content writing or even writing a book for someone. They give you a concept, and you have to write the whole book.

To do this, you need to register as a freelancer. You can go to Fiverr and sign up. There, you can find many types of writing jobs. Many people still hire writers now and will in the future too.

If you look at freelance sites, some writers charge up to 500,000 rupees. If you get a 5,000 rupee project and finish it quickly, you can take on more projects and increase your income.

You might not know that in 2022, the global market size for freelance writing was 30 crore rupees. It’s expected to grow to 75 crore rupees by 2026. This shows how much demand there is for this sector. So now let’s talk about post-business.

Idea 04. Exploring Interior Design

Interior Design

Now, let’s talk about the 4th business that is very popular today. It was not popular before, but now the new generation likes it a lot. This is a sector that everyone prefers today. If you are building a house or an office, you hire an interior designer to make the place look good.

They help you decide what kind of wallpaper, paint, furniture, and desk you need in your office or home. Many people want to have their homes designed by an interior designer. But not everyone can afford it because it can be expensive.

Some middle-class people cannot afford it because the charges are high. They may charge lakhs of rupees to design your home. But a designer shows you the design on paper or in a slide and you get impressed. This is a skill that if you learn and improve, you can succeed.

First, invest some money in learning this skill by taking a course. Learn all the skills and get certified. You will start getting many ideas in your mind. You will have so many ideas that you can give a new design for every home.

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Idea 05. Real Estate Business

Real Estate

Many people know about the real estate business, which is very popular. I write an article about starting a real estate business. You can read it to learn what you need and how to start. In real estate, you don’t have an inventory room. You talk to house owners about their floors. You learn about the rich mindset and how people with money live their lives.

Real estate is a growing business. People are now modern and use YouTube for their work. They create a channel, make videos of houses, and share them on YouTube. People have become modern in the real estate world.

Real estate can make you a lot of money, but your patience and skills matter a lot. The way you talk and dress is important, as well as your sales techniques.

Idea 06. Makeup Artist

Makeup Artist

Many people are choosing the profession of makeup artist because it can make a lot of money. You can see this in movies and with actors and actresses who have their own makeup artists. In India, this profession is growing fast.

Weddings are important events where makeup artists are needed. Not only for the bride but also for the groom, their family, and friends. A makeup artist can charge a lot of money for their services.

This profession is not just for women. Men can also become successful makeup artists. Today, people talk about quality in every job, and this profession is no different. If you like the idea of becoming a makeup artist, it could be a great career choice for you.

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Written by Jerry Pitcher

Jerry Pitcher is the founder of, a resource for aspiring bloggers and entrepreneurs. Jerry is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and build successful online ventures. With years of experience in the blogging industry, Jerry has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to share with others.

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